For Ryan
Detta inlägg skriver jag på engelska eftersom att Ryan läser min blogg och eftersom att han inte kan svenska så skriver jag detta inlägg på engelska :)
I just spoke to Ryan and I have to say, we have the most twisted humor ever.
I know only Ryan will get this but : I wish I was there so we could take Hunter to that pool-party together. Sure would have been nice to see the look on all the peoples faces ;)
And I've offically made Ryan promise that he is going to watch all the twilight movies with me when he comes here on the one condition that I watch Godzilla with him. Don't know why he wants me to watch it, but I guess he just want to joke around...but you never know. Maybe it is his favorite movie of all times?
By the way: I have stoped biting my nails!! I'm sooo happy. I actully have pretty long nails now. I haven't had that in like two years. Haha, okay I think I'll just stop being shallow and continue writing or something.
Another writing tip:
Don't count the number of pages you have written, but the number of hours. After all; one could say a´lot in just one page and just that one page can take a lot of work. It's so much harder than it seems.
Kisses ♥
And just for the record Ryan: you're still a jerk ♥